Jointly authored papers should be submitted by the person who will present the paper, if it is accepted. Each participant may present at most one paper. The registration fee for co-authored papers is paid by the person who is going to participate in the conference. An additional registration fee applies to any participating co-author.
Upon acceptance of a paper the registration fee is € 400. The registration fee for Ph.D. students is € 250 (a letter of proof of Ph.D. student status is required from the head of the department).
Colleagues attending the conference without presenting or contributing a co-authored paper to the conference program are required to register and pay the applicable registration fee based on their academic status (i.e., €400 for professionals and €250 for PhD students).
The registration fees cover coffee breaks, 3 lunches, the welcome reception and gala dinner, the short excursion and farewell dinner and conference material.
Please not that the registration deadline is the 28th February 2025
Before registering, please carefully review the cancellation policy.